Ibn Abbas relates that al-‘A’raf is a place higher than the Sirat on which ‘Abbas, Hamzah, ‘Ali and Ja’far of the Two Wings will be standing. They will recognize their friends by their shinning faces, and their enemies by the darkness on their faces.
Imam Hakim relates through authentic sources from Hadrat ‘Ali that he said: “We will stand in a place between Heaven and Hell on the Day of Judgement, and we will recognize those who helped us and will direct them towards Heaven, and we will send those who bore enmity towards us into Hell.”
Allamah Ibn Hajar commented on the tradition according to which the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “O ‘Ali, you will be the distributor of Heaven and Hell – you will say to Hell: ‘This one is for thee, and that one is for me’. It was narrated by Abu Bakr b. Abi Quhafah, the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said,”he alone will cross the bridge of Sirat to whom ‘Ali shall have given the permission.”
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