“O beloved friends. Seek the assembly of the lion, seek the assembly of Shah-e Mardan. Find it, go to it so that you may be written with them. We are their people. Whose people, citizens are they? “Well, some are the citizens of UK, citizens of the US, citizens of Turkish Republic, citizens of Iran”. These are of no value. Are you from the people of Shah-e Mardan; Hadrat ‘Ali, karram Allahu wajhahu? Do you have an identity card from him? If you have, say! If not, you are also among the jackals. You are of no use. You only fill the streets. You shout and scream, because you do not know what you want.”-al-Sayyid Qutb ul-Ghawth Shaykh al-Ishraq Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Qutb Tariqat i-Naqshbandiyya-March 11th, 2013
Defining the Naqshbandi Tariqah
“Tariqatuna as Suhba, Al khayru fil Jamiyya”-Khwaja Baha al-Din Shah Naqshband
“I am taking from the sayings of Shah Mardan; Shah Mardan is taking from the sayings of Prophet (sws). Al khayru fil Jamiyya– there is blessings in gatherings and sohbah (association). Hz. Shah Naqshband is taking from him – Tariqatuna as Suhba – Our Way is association, friendship, spreading love, spreading respect. What we are teachings is love and respect. We want our people to love Shah Mardan and the one above him (the Holy Prophet (S)). We want our people to have respect for Shah Mardan, who is the Lion of the field of soldiers. “-Qutb ul-Ghawth al-Sayyid Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, March 19th, 2013